We listen. We resolve.

Peel Mediation Arbitration

Mediation, Arbitration, Med/Arb, Parenting Coordination, Collaborative Law - experienced, knowledgeable and motivated Family Dispute Professionals, providing separated families, spouses and couples with the ability to practically/effectively resolve their disputes without the need to go to court. Using an alternative approach allows parties to have a better ability to control the process.


Mediation, Arbitration and Parenting Coordination provide separated families, spouses, and couples with the ability to practically and effectively resolve their disputes without the need to go to court.  Using an alternative approach to the court process allows parties to have a better ability to control the process.  Parties can play an active role in problem solving their disputes, and ultimately arriving at a resolution.

Members of Peel Mediation Arbitration provide Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) services throughout the Greater Toronto Area.   Our members are senior family law lawyers, with extensive experience in resolving all types of family law disputes involving parenting and complex financial issues, including property and support. 

  • Practicing Independently

  • promoting AS A GROup